


추출용매와 부위별 복령(Poria cocos)의 항산화, 항주름, 항염증 평가


The Evaluation of Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, and Anti-aging of Extract Solvent and Poria cocos by Parts

장영아, 이진태



This study is for checking the possibility of Poria cocos as cosmetic materials. For this we carried out biological active evaluation about antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging by using extraction parts of Poria cocos and solvent extraction. We extracted Poria cocos by extraction parts (bark, inside skin) and solvents (water extracts, ethanol), and then in order to evaluate antioxidant activity we processed samples by concentration and carried out DPPH radical scavenging and ABTS radical scavenging. Also, in order to evaluate effect of anti-aging we carried out evaluation of Elastase inhibitory activity and Collagenase inhibitory activity. To evaluate effect of anti-inflammatory we evaluated toxicity of samples through MTT assay with a macrophage (raw 264.7 cells) and measured Nitric Oxide production inhibitory activity. As a result at the experiment of DPPH radical scavenging and ABTS radical scavenging of antioxidant evaluation, ethanol extracts showed more superiority in all three groups, A, B and C than water extracts of Poria cocos of evaluations of the effect against wrinkles, according to the result of measurement of elastase inhibitory activity, PCE (A) showed 96.7% effect and PCE(B) showed 98.3% effect respectively at 1000μg/ml concentration. Also, according to the result of measurement of collagenase inhibitory activity, PCE (A) showed 60.0% effect and PCE (B) showed 72.2% effect respectively, so it means effect of ethanol extracts is superior. According to the result of nitric oxide production inhibitory activity, PCW (A) showed 60.4% effect and PCW (B) showed 60.3% effect respectively. This showed that effect of anti-inflammatory was greater in water extracts. In other words, ethanol extracts of Poria cocos proved effective against wrinkles by hindering antioxidant capacity and activities of elastase and collagenase by ROS. Water extracts showed superiority of effect of anti-inflammatory, so it suggests that Poris cocos extracts can be used as natural substance of cosmetics which are safe in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 연구방법
  1. 추출물의 제조
  2. Electron donating abilities
  3. ABTS+ radical cation 소거작용 측정
  4. Elastase 저해활성 측정
  5. Collagenase 저해활성 측정
  6. 세포 배양
  7. 세포 독성 측정
  8. Nitric oxide (NO) 저해능 측정
 Ⅲ. 연구결과 및 고찰
  1. Electron donating abilities
  2. ABTS+ radical cation activity
  3. Elastase 저해활성 측정
  4. Collagenase 저해활성
  5. 세포 생존률 측정
  6. Nitric oxide(NO) 저해능
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 장영아 Young-Ah Jang. 대구한의대학교 화장품약리학과
  • 이진태 Jin-Tae Lee. 대구한의대학교 화장품약리학과


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