Analysis of Nails Contents in Smoking Male High Schoolers
Smoking is associated with respiratory disease, periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease. Smoker’s nail can indicate the content of minerals and the accumulation of heavy metals according to nutritional status. Heavy metals from smoking can be directly absorbed into the skin and the nail of the hands while an individual is directly exposed to the tobacco smoke. The health of others can be threatened through smoker’s hands. In this study, a total of 15 kinds of minerals were measured using ICP emission spectroscopy after collecting nails from a total of 30 youths, including 15 male youth smokers, 15 male youth non-smokers. The content of minerals such as Ca (p<.01), Na (p<.01), K (p<.01), Zn (p<.01), P (p<.001) and S (p<.05)in youth smokers were higher than in youth non-smokers. This result means smoking affected nail of male high shoolers. We demonstrated there is a corelation between smoking and nail mineral composition. This study could be the base line data for the further studies on diseases associated with heavy metals in the nail and hand of smokers.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
1. 연구대상
2. 손톱 채취
3. 정제 과정
4. 손톱 중 영양미네랄 정량분석
5. 통계 처리
Ⅲ. 연구결과 및 고찰
1. 흡연에 따른 남자고등학생의 다량 영양미네랄 함량비교
2. 흡연에 따른 남자고등학생의 미량 영양미네랄 함량차이
Ⅳ. 결론
감사의 글