The conventional belief of basic rights was that they can only be applied to protect people from the government. However, people has been getting out of this thought and the fact that fundamental rights are actually influencing legal relations among individuals, made conflicts between fundamental rights, a rising issue. Collision between fundamental rights refers to the situation when individuals request their own rights based on the same or different constitutional clause and their requests get into a battle with each other. The topic of Collision of fundamental rights has been introduced decades ago and it was under the discussion for ages long. However, encountering actual case, in Korea, due to the lack of experience, the criteria and the reasoning required to judge the cases aren't sufficient enough. In particular, due to development of mass media and increase of artistic activities there are high possibilities of rivalries among artistic freedom, freedom of speech and right to privacy. In this regard, studies about these predictable issues need to be conducted. Therefore as one of the related cases, JELŠEVAR and others v. Slovenia(Appl. no. 47318/07), Decision of 11 March 2014, which noted the conflicting rights arising from Articles 8 and 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, is requested to be studied. The case concerns conflicts between right to respect for private life and right to artistic freedom in a fictional literary work. This is of particular interest that, in proceedings of each court, especially the Slovenian Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights have made a decision rebutting the Ljubljana District Court and higher Court. The Ljubljana District Court and higher Court concluded that the applicants had been damaged of their right to respect for private or family life owing to the novel depicting characters as negative and defamatory portrayal. They saw that the applicants’mother and the third applicant were clearly identifiable from the book. However the Slovenian Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights considered that from an objective viewpoint, average contemporary reader would not perceive the story as facts about actual people and the depictions of the novel were not offensive or in any way derogatory but positive as the main character Rozina was painted as determined and self-confident. They also denied the author had intention to offend anybody with the book. The Slovenian Constitutional Court accepted B.M.Z.'s appeal and the European Court of Human Rights dismissed applicants' complaint. To strike a balance, the European Court of Human Rights has requirements, when artistic freedom conflicts with right to respect for private life, that are "contribution to a debate of general interest, how well known is the person, what is the subject of the report, prior conduct of the person, method of obtaining the information and its veracity, content, form and consequences of the publication, severity of the sanction imposed." It's expected that these requirements would be applied to similar cases in Korea.
그동안 우리나라에서도 기본권 충돌에서 발생되는 여러 사례들이 있었다. 그러나 아직 구체적인 사례를 통하여 기본권이 충돌하는 상황에서 어떠한 기준과 논증방식으로 각각의 기본권을 고려하여야 하는지 충분한 경험이 축적되지 않았다. 특히 예술의 자유와 사생활의 비밀보장이라는 측면은 향후에 기본권 충돌의 문제가, 국민의 예술활동 증가 또는 정보통신매체의 발달에 따라, 발생할 가능성이 충분히 예측되고 또 해결의 필요성이 커진다. 이러한 필요에서 여기에서는 예술의 자유와 사생활의 보호 사이에 충돌문제를 다룬 유럽인권법원의 한 사례를 소개하고자 한다. 이 사례는 유럽인권법원이 JELŠEVAR and others v. Slovenia (Decision, Appl. no. 47318/07) 결정을 통하여 작가의 예술의 자유와 청구인들의 사생활 및 가정생활을 존중받을 권리 간의 충돌이 발생한 문제를 다룬 사안이다. 이 사례는 슬로베니아 지방법원과 고등법원이 원고승소판결을 하였지만 슬로베니아 헌법재판소는 이와 정반대로 인격권 침해를 부정하고 예술의 자유를 우위에 둔 판결을 하였다. 그리고 유럽인권법원은 헌법재판소의 견해를 그대로 받아들여 청구인들에게 유럽인권협약 제8조상의 사생활 및 가정생활을 존중받을 권리가 침해되지 않았다고 판결하였다. 유럽인권법원은 표현의 자유가 사생활의 자유와 충돌할 때, 그 표현이 담고 있는 내용이 일반인들의 공통 관심사에 해당하는가 여부, 관련된 인물이 공인인가 사인인가 여부, 관련 인물의 사전 행위 존재 여부, 보도의 형식, 정보의 획득 방법과 정확성, 그리고 부가된 제재의 가혹성에 따라 판단한다. 유럽인권법원의 이 기준은 유사한 사건을 해결할 때 우리나라의 경우에도 그대로 적용할 수 있을 것이다.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 슬로베니아 국내법원의 판단
Ⅲ. 유럽인권법원의 판단
Ⅳ. 유럽인권법원의 판단에 대한 비판
Ⅴ. 마무리