

척추 질환으로 내원한 일본 직장인의 허리 통증 경험이 신체 부위 근골격계질환과의 관련성에 관한 연구


(A)Study on the relationship between back pain experiences of Japanese employees with spinal disorder and body Musculoskeletal disorder.

정한석, 田邊 創, 桑岡 俊文, 天野 美苗, 小野寺 靖, 井内 隆詞, 井元 雄一, 田辺 敬一

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The study targeted Japanese employees who have visited hospital for spinal disorder. The study analyzed work environment and pain relief methods of work-related back pain patients, and the relationship between back pain and other body parts. The purpose of this study was to provide draw up measures for patients with back pain and to provide basic data for the sustainable prevention program. The study result of back pain, in other words, employees suffering from lumbago, had disparity between occupations; the highest number of patients were made up of 16-years or above long-serving employees, and below 5-years of short-serving employees. There were more patients complaining of chronic lumbago than acute lumbago, and patients recognized poor posture as the primary cause of lumbago. Furthermore, 99.5% of spinal disorder patients complain back pain, 23.2% use only alternative therapy, and 15.2% visit clinic and hospital with alternative therapy. Patients showed pain reduction and high satisfaction after using alternative therapy. The study targeted Japanese employees where complement therapy is more generalized than that of Korea, and thus there should be multilateral management programs provided in Korea as well.


 1. 서론
 2. 연구 대상 및 방법
  2.1 연구 대상 및 조사 기간
  2.2 설문 구성 및 통계방법
 3. 결과
  3.1 연구 대상자의 일반 및 근무특성
  3.2 직업에 따른 허리 통증 발생 실태
  3.3 직업에 따른 허리 통증 발생 평가 및 처치 방법
  3.4 허리 통증 발생 시 대처 방법에 따른 통증 효과 및 만족도
  3.5 허리 통증 호소자의 다른 신체 부위의 근골격계질환 관련 자각증상 노출 실태
  3.6 허리의 근골격계질환 관련 자각증상과 신체부위별 증상과의 관련성
 4. 결론 및 고찰
 5. References


  • 정한석 Han-Suk Jung. 한서대학교 건강증진대학원 수안재활복지학과
  • 田邊 創 Hajime-Tanabe. 한서대학교 건강증진대학원 수안재활복지학과
  • 桑岡 俊文 Toshifumi-Kuwaoka. 한서대학교 건강증진대학원 수안재활복지학과
  • 天野 美苗 Minae-Amano. 한서대학교 건강증진대학원 수안재활복지학과
  • 小野寺 靖 Yasushi-Onodera. 한서대학교 건강증진대학원 수안재활복지학과
  • 井内 隆詞 Takashi-Inouchi. 한서대학교 건강증진대학원 수안재활복지학과
  • 井元 雄一 Yuichi-Imoto. 한서대학교 건강증진대학원 수안재활복지학과
  • 田辺 敬一 Keiichi-Tanabe. 한서대학교 건강증진대학원 수안재활복지학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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