


섬유압착흔을 통한 운전자 판별 방법에 대한 고찰


The study of discriminating a driver in the traffic accident using the fiber compression

이영내, 박종택, 박종찬

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The settlement of who drived a car precedes the others of the process in investigating traffic accidents. These days it is more difficult than before to decide a driver, since an accident-causing driver, an offender, should have corresponding criminal and civil liabilities and thus the offender may hide a matter of fact. When, in particular, one or more of passengers died in an accident, the matter of who drived a car may be controversial. We offered the suggestion that one of direct evidences, the fiber compression on, for instance, dashboards or instrument panels in front of seats inside a car should be used in order to discriminate a driver. The fiber compression on panels can be used to confirm locations of each passenger, since the body tends to impact against surroundings caused by the law of inertia at the very moment of accident and thus the clothes, usually pants, of passengers can be compressed. In the last study, ‘the study of discriminating a driver in traffic accident( )’ in 2001, we experimently saw the characteristics of fiber transference from clothes to instrument panels by impacting a steel ball wrapped up in a piece of cloth against a panel. We saw various aspects of the fiber compressions, qualitatively and quantitatively, according to a variety of fibers and incidence angles on panels. We confirmed that it is easier to be compressed on panels when fabrics, made of the cotton or the wool among kinds of the fiber, impact on a panel and by a certain degree of an incidence angle. Since then, we actively have been using the fiber compression on panels inside a car in order to discriminate a driver in practical questions. This study shows diverse aspects of fiber compressions and its usefulness in practical cases in a period of ten years, between 2002 to 2011. We strongly recommend that the fiber compression should be detected with precision in a careful manner and then actively utilized.


 I. 서론
 II. 본론
  1. 지난 연구 결과 검토
  2. 섬유 압착흔의 여러 형태들
 III. 결론
 IV. 참고문헌


  • 이영내 Youngnae Lee. 국립대구과학수사연구소 이화학과
  • 박종택 Jongtaek Park. 국립대구과학수사연구소 이화학과
  • 박종찬 Jongchan Park. 국립과학수사연구원 교통사고분석과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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