

Desktop Computer Virtualization for Improvement Security, Power Consumption and Cost by SBC(Server Based Computer)



It is possible for virtualization of desktop to dramatically reduce maintenance costs and improve the security using various virtualization techniques rather than previous desktop environments. Also, with blocking beforehand the information leakage caused by data centralization, it is easy to manage the information security. This desktop virtualization provides creation and duplication of data and standardized desktop environments using easy and fast virtualization works. So, it is possible to improve efficiency, stability, and fusibility of virtualization. In this paper, with the desktop virtualization, the power saving effects are obtained from 65,750(kW) to 7,300(kW) , which is from 480(w) to 50 (w) for using one desktop for 8 hours per a day. In addition, the 62 desktops and 62 monitors are combined to one operational server with 62 thin clients. As a result of this, the security is improved greatly by data centralization, which the user can access the main server as a thin client with given space.


 1. Introduction
 2. Desktop Virtualization
  2.1 Concepts and Organization
  2.2 Classification of Desktop Virtualization
  2.3 Structure of Desktop Virtualization
  2.4 Virtualization Technology
 3. Establishment of Desktop Virtualization
  3.1 H/W Structure
  3.2 S/W Composition
  3.3. Results of Constitution
 4. Conclusion


  • Lee Yong Hui Shinsung University, Chief of Information Service Center, DaehackRo1 Jungmimyun, DanginCity, ChungNam, Korea 343-861,
  • Kim Hwan Seok Gangneung-Wonju National University, Dept. Information and Telecommunication Engineering, Korea
  • Kim Baek Ki Gangneung-Wonju National University, Dept. Information and Telecommunication Engineering, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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