

Document Similarity Search Algorithm Based On Hierarchy Model



Searching for similar documents from huge amounts of documents is an important and time consuming problem. Although the numerous precise models have been developed for the task, the traditional search algorithms are unable to meet the needs of users for quick search. Herein, a new document similarity calculation and search method with high efficiency is proposed. The calculation of the similarity is based on the total probability model and the efficient search is achieved via level n nodes and paths of citation graph. A special approach from the branch and bound limits the search scope and provide decision algorithm. With the increase in the number of documents, the efficiency of the proposed algorithm is dramatically promoted.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Document Similarity Calculation
  3.1. Basic Graph Model
  3.2 Adjacent Nodes Similarity Calculation
  3.3 Non Adjacent Nodes Similarity Calculation
 4. Document Similarity Search Algorithm
  4.1 Problem Description
  4.2 Search Algorithm
  4.3 Analysis of Search Algorithm Efficiency
 5. Experiments
  5.1 Experimental Data and Environment
  5.2 Evaluation Measure
  5.3 Experimental Methods and Results
 6. Conclusion


  • Zhu Ge Department of Information Science and Technology, Heilongjiang University, 74 Xue Fu Road, Harbin, China


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