

Improving Query Expansion for Information Retrieval Using Wikipedia



Query expansion (QE) is one of the key technologies to improve retrieval efficiency. Many studies on query expansion with relationships from single local corpus suffer from two problems resulting in low retrieval performance: term relationships are limited and unlisted query terms have no expansion terms. To address these problems, relationships between terms captured from Wikipedia are superimposed to the basic Markov network that pre-built using single local corpus. A new larger Markov network is formed with more and richer relationship for each term. Evaluation is performed on three standard information retrieval corpuses including ADI, CISI and CACM.Experimental results show that the proposed technique of superimposed Markov network is effective to select more and confident candidatesfor query expansion and it outperforms other state-of-the-art QE methods.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
  2.1 Query Expansion
  2.2 Markov Network Model
 3. TheThree-step Constructionof Markov Network
  3.1 Construction of B-Markov Network
  3.2 Constructionof W-Markov Network
  3.3 Superimposition to C-Markov Network
 4. Experiment Validation
  4.1 Experimental Setup
  4.2 Experimental Results
 5. Conclusion


  • Lixin Gan School of Math and Computer Science,JiangxiScience &Technology Normal University,Nanchang, China
  • Huan Hong School of Computer Information Engineering,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang, China


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