

The Contributions of Planning, L2 Linguistic Knowledge and Individual Differences to L2 Writing


Eunjou Oh, Chong Min Lee, Young-in Moon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The present study explored the relative contributions of planning, L2 linguistic knowledge and individual differences to Korean EFL students’ argumentative essays. Seventy-two university students enrolled in college English writing courses participated in this study throughout one semester. The components of planning, L2 linguistic knowledge and individual differences were identified and measured, and their relationships to the quality of L2 writing were examined. The factors that made a significant contribution to L2 writing were found to be participants’ ability to recognize good L2 essays and the quality of content of the outline in planning (21.4% explanatory power); grammar, productive vocabulary and sentence processing speed in L2 linguistic knowledge (42.7%); and eight items from the self-efficacy, strategy, and motivation questionnaires in individual differences (44.8%). When common effects were controlled for, the independent contributions of planning, L2 linguistic knowledge and individual differences to the quality of L2 writing were 7.2%, 14.1% and 16.3%, respectively. Based on the relative contributions of the three factors that are involved in L2 writing, pedagogical implications for L2 classrooms are provided.


 Literature Review
  Effects of Planning on L2 Writing
  Effects of L2 Linguistic Knowledge on L2 Writing
  Effects of Individual Differences on L2 Writing
  Planning-related variables
  L2 Linguistic knowledge-related variables
  Individual differences-related variables
  Relationship of Variables of Planning to L2 Writing
  Relationship of L2 Linguistic Knowledge Variables to L2 Writing
  Relationship of Individual Differences Variables to L2 Writing
  Independent Contribution of Planning, L2 Linguistic Knowledge and Individual Differences to L2 Writing
  Relationship of Planning, L2 Linguistic Knowledge and Individual Differences to Content, Grammar, Mechanics and Vocabulary of L2 Writing


  • Eunjou Oh Korean Bible University, Korea
  • Chong Min Lee The University of Seoul, Korea
  • Young-in Moon The University of Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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