Coordination between REDD + mechanism and legal system of China's forests
응대기후변화REDD+궤제 여중국삼림법률제도적협조
According to the Fourth Assessment Report of IPCC, deforestation accounts for 17.4 percent of global carbon emissions. The international community has become increasingly concerned about carbon emissions caused by forest degradation and deforestation, and REDD mechanism was also born in this context .On the basis of REDD mechanism, REDD + mechanism increased forest conservation, sustainable forest management and the content of forest carbon stocks, to make the mechanism apply in a more suitable space. As the most important measures to reduce emissions in post-Kyoto era forestry, REDD + mechanism has no more been questioned. China, as a developing country, is very fruitful in terms of forest protection. In order to ensure the implementation of REDD + mechanism in our country, we must integrate, improve and coordinate on the domestic legal system of forest to secure more funding of REDD + mechanism and ensure our initiative in the international climate negotiations.
根据IPCC第四次评估报告,毁林占全球碳排放的17.4%,目前国际社会也越来越关注 毁林和森林退化造成的碳排放,REDD机制也正是在这种背景下诞生的,REDD+机制在 REDD机制的基础上增加了森林保护、森林可持续管理和增加森林碳储量的内容,使得这 一机制有了更大的适用空间。REDD+机制作为后京都时代林业减排的最主要措施已经不 可质疑,中国作为一个在森林保护方面卓有成效的发展中国家,为保证未来REDD+机制 在我国的实施,必须对国内的森林法律制度进行整合、完善并与之协调,才能争取到更 多的REDD+机制资金,确保我国在国际气候谈判中的主动权。
一、 从REDD到REDD+的国际法演进
二、 REDD+机制给我国带来的机遇及对森林法律制度提出的客观要求
三、 REDD+机制框架下我国森林法律制度的完善