

고려가요 연구의 흐름에 관한 분석적 고찰


An Analytic Study on the Stream of the existing Researches about the Koryo Songs


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis is an analytic study on the history of the existing researches about the Koryo songs. The research history about the Koryo songs has been over 80 years until now. The Koryo song is one of the most important fields in the Korean classical poetry, in light of its historic meaning. However, the deep and synthetic study on it has not been accomplished. I have started this study under the consciousness of the points at issue. The study of the first stage was to find out, arrange and make out the textual materials with groping theories of its genre and textual criticism.
In the second stage, many researchers tried to apply the more deepened textual criticism and formal approach. Many achievements through the research methods(analytical criticism, formalism, and dramatics) appeared in the period. The methodology of the second period was deepened and diversified still more in the third stage. The new approaches in the linguistic understanding were made, many studies under the structural methodology were accomplished. The new meaning of the Koryo songs and their social background came to light by the analytical criticism and positivism. One of the research achievements in this period is to disclose the fact that the Koryo songs have very complex background of formation, enjoyment class, and traditional structures.
The research realm of the Koryo songs was extended largely, under the reception of the new methodology for the foreign countries in the 4th stage. In this period, an analytical methods about the texts and the new points of view about the classical poetry were introduced.


1. 서론
 2. 제1기 : 장르의 확립과 문헌실증적 방법론 시도
  1) 문헌자료의 발견과 원전비평
  2) 작품의 수집ㆍ정리ㆍ주석ㆍ이본대비ㆍ원본확정
 3. 제2기 : 본격적인 이론탐색 및 적용
  1) 문헌 실증작업의 심층화
  2) 인접학문 이론의 적용 시도
 4. 제3기 : 이론의 심층 및 다각화
  1) 어학적 해석의 새로운 모색
  2) 분석비평에 의한 새로운 의미 추출
  3) 배경적 측면의 탐색
 5. 결론


  • 서수금 Seo, Su-Geum. 숭실대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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