

《敎坊歌謠》의 誤謬考


Misdagnosis in 《Kyobang Gayo》- Focusing on Lied

《교방가요》의 오류고


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It is not worth rediscussing that we need to study the classical literatures based on the primary data more than anything else. Also, we should be more careful with uncritical acceptance of the contents of the primary data, because it may very much cause another misunderstanding.
[Kyobang Gayo] is an important research material for comparing between and studying the local and central arts and cultures in the late period of Chosun dynasty, that is, in the later 19th century. Though 'music' as a form of composite arts which coalesce songs, dances, and musical instrument performed at the royal court has been transferred relatively in details through Uigywe and Holgi, the counterpart music performed at Gyobang of local government office has been rarely documented.
In this sense, the [Kyobang Gayo], a record of the songs, dances, and musical instruments performed at Kyobang of government office in Jinju area by Jung, Hyun-seok, is an invaluable historical material, and particularly the illustrations of its performance method are more worth studying. Besides, this has a thread of connection with the present performance as a prior stage of our contemporary arts.
Among the contents of the [Kyobang Gayo], the errors in compilation, a flaw in a gem, may hinder us from understanding it much. Thus, this paper seeks to give proper understanding of songs, dances, and musical instruments of local government office Kyobang in the late period of Chosun dynasty by correcting these errors centering around the lied.
It refers to [Gyobang Gayo], Bogo Publishing Co., edited by Jung, Hyun-seok and translated and annotated by Sung, Moo-kyung, in 2002.


1. 머리말
 2. 《敎坊歌謠(교방가요)》와 박원 정현석
 3. 내용의 오류
 4. 내용의 이해
 5. 맺음말


  • 김영덕 Kim, Young-Duck. 숭실대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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