



A study on <Sangroksu(常綠樹)>

A study on <Sangroksu(상록수)>


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to compare and analyze the relationship between the literary work that is revealed focusing on the life of Choiyongsin who is an actual model of a main character, Chaeyoungsin and the real world.
As we know, although is the novel written by Simhun, it is a record of a peasant movement that was managed by YMCA which was a protestant movement that was led by the press such as DongA and Chosunilbo. So that is a peasant literature. Also it is a literature of enlightenment, even it can be a religious literature. Because of those, first, it is summarized that the organization of YMCA and processing of the movement to know the phases of the times as the background of . Second, it is examined about background of the literary work, especially the parts, which describe about a main character, Chaeyoungsin, are the imagination based on the truth of the real world or embellishments that are founded by testimony. Third, it is searched that who Chaeyoungsin was and what kind of life she had by verbal evidences of witnesses and the records. Forth, it is shaped into a chart that shows similarities and differences between Choiyongsin and a main character, Chaeyoungsin who is modeled after Choiyongsin. In addition that it is inferred that whom Barkdonghyuk a fiancee of Chaeyoungsin- is modeled after. At the same time, it is analogized about similarities between Bakdonghyuk and Kimhakjun- an actual fiancee.
Simhun, the author, explains the significance of existence of Christian in . Choiyongsin, an actual character, took a part in the field of a needy peasant throwing upher position even the wealth and social vested right that she had. It is meaning that she lived up to the faith that is comprehended as the death of the Cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So that her life recorded by author appeared as a paragon of the Christianity.
In conclusion that, it is believed that it is very important work to feel a deep impression during studying the life of characters who lived in the way they chose or as what they wanted to be and to understand the gap of an actual world and written expressions especially in the literature based on an actual eve.


1. 머리말
 2. 시대 배경 : <상록수>가 나오기 까지
 3. 창작 배경 : 상상력 혹은 사실의 윤색
 4. 최용신은 누구인가
 5. 작품과 실제 : 채영신과 최용신
 6. 맺는 말


  • 기애도 Ki, Ae-Do. 숭실대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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