

초등 국어과 직무연수 교육과정의 모형 연구


Improvement of the Korean Language In-service Training System for Elementary School Teachers


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is twofold: first, to analyze current in-service training programs for Korean language teachers in Korean elementary schools; and second, to propose a new, improved model for these teachers' in-service training.
To fulfill the purpose of this study, some problems associated with in-service training for elementary school teachers were investigated using surveys that were conducted in different cities and provinces in Korea.
To solve these problems and to formulate a standardized training curriculum, I divided the problems associated with the in-service training curriculum into three dimensions: understanding the purpose of Korean language education in elementary school; management of class lessons; and various demands presented at particular times and situations.
First, the dimension referred to as "understanding the purpose of Korean language education in elementary schools" was surveyed in detail. This was accomplished by dividing the broad topic into three parts: the nature of Korean language education in elementary schools; the curriculum of Korean language education; and the language competence of elementary school students.
Second, the dimension referred to as "management of class lessons" had two different aspects. One, the effectiveness of the lesson, was surveyed from three points of view: lesson planning, teaching methods, and a self-administered checklist of class performance. The other, the content taught, was analyzed as contents of the subject and evaluation.
Third, the dimension referred to as "demands presented at particular times and situations" was surveyed.
Reflecting all results, the direction and principles of planning the standardized model were set up. Then a new standardized curriculum model was devised.
Through the study of current conditions and problems of in-service training programs, as well as the study of their improvement, the following results were obtained :

1. The purpose of Korean language in-service training should be reinforced. Elementary Korean language teachers should know the Korean language curriculum, have ideas about learning and teaching methods of Korean language education, and have the professional qualities necessary to manage a Korean language class. To achieve this, the program should be revised to produce a new-minded teacher.
2. The program should take into consideration characteristics of the elementary school subject of Korean language. In order to teach the various areas of the subject efficiently, interest, individualization, unification, interaction, cooperation, et cetera, should be selected.
3. The program needs to reflect the trends of Korean language teaching in elementary school. Although there are various textbooks and each book is divided into listening, speaking, reading, writing, linguistic knowledge, and literature sections, modern Korean language education in elementary schools emphasize a wholistic approach to language education that should be reflected by in-service training.
4. The program needs to reflect the nature of Korean language education in elementary school, the national curriculum of Korean language education, and the language competence of the elementary school students. Above all, the dunension of understanding Korean language should be emphasized by way of selecting the topics and issues of this dimension that are suggested by this study.
5. The program should focus on classroom skills of Korean langage teaching. The curriculum should contain lesson planning, teaching methodology, and self-administered checklists of classroom performance, et cetera.
6. The program should reflect the trends of Korean langage education by presenting topics and issues that are included in the seventh national curriculum and those that arise in schools.
7. The program should reflect the curricula of the eleven graduate schools of education in Korea because these curricula greatly influence Korean language education.
8. Eighth, since elementary school teachers should not only manage their Korean language classes but also teach several other subjects, they are required to be well-cultured people. As a result, the program for in-service training of teachers should be organized according to the requested training topics and discussion issues that are necessary for elementary teachers to do their work in school. It should also devote enough time to issues related to general education as well as the teaching profession.
The limitations of this study were caused by its limited survey samples, which included only trainees from six different training institutes in Korea. As well, it only considered issues that were reported using the surveys designed.


본 논문은 현재 이루어지고 있는 초등 국어과 직무연수의 실태를 분석, 개선방안을 연구하여 바람직한 초등 국어과 직무연수 프로그램의 기초 자료를 제공함을 목적으로 한다. 이와 같은 목적을 위해 문헌 연구 과정을 거쳐 교사의 전문성, 교원의 현직교육, 현직교육의 세계적 동향 등을 연구사 검토와 함께 분석하였고, 전국 6개 시 · 도 교육연수원에서 실시된 초등 국어과 직무연수 과정을 분석을 실시하였다.
현행 초등 국어과 직무연수의 실태와 문제점, 개선 방안에 대한 연구를 통해 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다.

첫째, 전국 교육대학교 교육대학원의 교과목에 나타난 특성을 반영해야 한다. 전국 11개 교육대학교 교육대학원에 편성된 교과목은 62개였으며, 7 개 이상의 교육대학원에 편성된 교과목 중 연수 과목으로 편성해야 할 교과는 국어과 교수 · 학습 방법, 국어과 평가, 독서교육, 문학교육 등이었다.

둘째, 국어교육의 성격을 감안한다. 국어과의 영역을 제대로 지도하기 위해 국어과의 성격에 맞는 영역별 과목이 편성되어야 한다.

셋째, 국어수업의 본질에 맞는 교과목의 선정이 필요하다. 구성주의 교수 · 학습의 원리 와 지식에 대한 탐구의 관점에 서 학습자의 사고를 유발할 수 있는 학습자 중심의 수업을 진행할 수 있는 과목 편성이 요구 된다.

넷째, 초등 국어의 성격에 맞는 교과목의 편성이 필요하다. 초등 국어교육의 특성상 개별성과 상호작용성, 통합성을 고려한 교과목의 편성이 필요하다.

다섯째, 교육실태 면에서는 현재의 ‘집단 따돌림’ 현상과 ‘교실붕괴’ 현상과 관련지어 인성교육의 중요성이 강조되어야하다.

여섯째, 초등학교 교사는 국어과만 지도하는 것이 아니라, 학급 담임을 맡아 학급경영도 해야 하고, 많은 교과를 지도해야 하기 때문에 폭 널은 교양이 요구 된다. 따라서 국어과 직무연수에서도 교양 · 교직 시간을 충분히 확보하여 초등 교사로서 교단에서 필요한 과목을 다양하게 편성할 필요성이 있다.

본 연구는 초등 국어과 직무연수 중에서 6개 시 ․ 도 교육연수원에서 실시한 직무연수 문제만을 다루었고, 직무연수 교과목 편성만 한정하였기 때문에 몇 가지 한계점을 내포하고 있다.


1. 서론
  1.1. 연구의 필요성과 목적
 2. 실태와 분석
  2.1. 실태
  2.2. 분석
 3. 교육과정의 영역 설정과 표준 모형
  3.1. 영역 설정
  3.2. 영역별 교육내용
  3.3. 연수 모형
 4. 결론


  • 김종남 Kim, Jong-Nam. 전남 곡성중앙초등학교 교감


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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