



A Study on Intellectual Property Strategy in China’s FTA


马光, 章毓

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As of 17th March, 2015, China has signed 12 FTAs, but there are different regulations of intellectual property rights in these FTAs. From the early does not include any intellectual property provisions to add some general terms, and then to the relevant chapters in detail. China’s current FTA negotiation partners include not only the developing countries, but also developed countries, while these developed countries pay more attention to the protection of the intellectual property rights. Therefore, it is necessary to compare China’s FTA intellectual property rights provisions to other leading FTAs in the world, and puts forward some suggestions on intellectual property right strategy in China’s FTA. At the moment, China seems have not a complete intellectual property section model, compared with the developed countries, such as United States, it is still relatively backward. The object of Chinese FTA has significantly diversified, it including not only the developing countries, but also including the developed countries. In order to more effectively promote her country's FTA, China should have a clear intellectual property section model. The content of FTA in many intellectual property rights, in addition to the most common FTA protection of intellectual property rights, interests of developed and developing countries in some areas is not the same, even in the fierce confrontation.


截止2015年3月17日, 中国已签署了12个FTA, 而这些FTA中知识产权相关规定有较大差异。 从早 期的不包括任何知识产权条款到加入一些一般性条款, 再到较为详细的相关章节。 中国目前的FTA 谈判对象不仅包括发展中国家, 还包括发达国家, 而发达国家整体上更加关注知识产权的保护, 因 此, 有必要对中国FTA中的知识产权条款与国际上对知识产权保护做出详细规定的FTA进行比较, 并 对中国FTA中的知识产权战略提出建议。 中国在目前看来, 似乎还没有一个较为完整的知识产权章 节范本, 与美国等发达国家比较起来, 还处于相对落后的状况, 这也从中国签订的FTA知识产权相 关内容的五花八门可看得出来。 中国的FTA签署对象已经明显多元化, 不仅包括了发展中国家, 也 包括了发达国家。 为了更有效地促进与他国的FTA, 中国应有一个较为清晰的知识产权章节范本。 FTA中的知识产权内容诸多, 而除了那些多数FTA所共有的知识产权保护内容之外, 某些领域中发 达国家和发展中国家的利益取向并不相同, 甚至有些是处于激烈对抗中。


 Ⅰ. 引言
 Ⅱ. 中国已签署的FTA中知识产权保护内容
 Ⅲ. 与美国典型FTA比较分析
 Ⅳ. 结论


  • 马光 마광. 浙江大学光华法学院副教授, 中国律师。
  • 章毓 장육. 浙江省能源集团纪检监察岗。


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