

19세기 말 20세기 초 김윤식의 교유망과 서울 북촌의 공간변화


The Social Intercourse of Kim Yunsik and Spatial Change of Bukchon in Seoul between the late 19th and the early 20th Century


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article presumed spatial characteristics of Bukchon(北村) in Seoul was related to the people’s networks and traced the aspect. The previous studies, with cases and analysis on metric statistics, just demonstrated Bukchon in Seoul was space for elite class(兩班) in the Joseon era. The article reviewed relationship between space and humand with the case of Bukchon in Seoul and Kim Yunsik(金允植). As factor to define characteristics of space, a family doest not a specific group in blood-line only. It includes social intercourses and friendships by members of a clan. And this net-work was formed by academic relations and marriages. A culture formed by a family and its social associates was reflected to form a cultural space, and characteristics of this space functioned to absorb people in turn. Social intercourses and friendship may be different according to social changes. And changes of social relationship are directly reflected to space. The ruling elites of Joseon dur-ing the late 19th Century and the early 20th Century had social activities with business-men and local men of influence. They responded to social changes based on the sense of circumstances and then had relationship with businessmen and local men of influence. In elite’s space in the Joseon era, businessmen and local men of influence became to own their lands. Among new landowners around Bukchon in Seoul, who had social activities with the existing elites who had power in the Joseon era were included. In spite of change around Bukchon in Seoul in the early 20th Century, the previous characteristics were also maintained. At that time, the area became cultural space of Joseon, escaping from just residential area for elite. Social and cultural facilities for people includ-ing libraries and schools were installed around Bukchon in Seoul. These new facilities kept characteristics of the previous space. Meeting and studying places for some family in the Joseon era became libraries, parks or schools. The reason to keep characteristics of the space was changes of the space were led by the ruling elites of Joseon. They kept their lives and ideas and accepted new things at the same time. Space is not only where human beings live but also historical element to be changed by them or to influence their activities. Locality of Bukchon in Seoul can be defined by its residents, work to review them is important to understand characteristics of the space. This article has a historical significance in trying to study changes of Bukchon from the ‘Joseon era’ to the ‘colonial time’ with the ruling elites of Joseon between the late 19th Century and the early 20th Century.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 경화벌열의 공간과 교유망
  1. 서울 북촌과 경화벌열
  2. 장동 일대와 김윤식
 Ⅲ. 교유망의 확대와 거주자 변화
  1. 조선귀족의 교유망
  2. 가회동의 이재완과 한상룡
 Ⅳ. 북촌 공간의 변화와 속성
  1. 경화벌열의 정자와 경성도서관
  2. 계동 박규수의 공간과 계산학교
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 김현정 Kim, Hyun-Jung. 서울시립대학교 국사학과 박사과정 수료


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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