

울주 천전리 서석 암각화 및 명문의 연구현황과 과제


The present condition of study and an assignment about a letter stone and rock art in Ulju Chunjunry


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



An accurate observation of a letter stone in Chunjunry is required to advance and students to participate in there. It's required to interpret the upper part animal letters of a letter stone and the lower part Amgakhwa(rock art), and to examine the relation to the surroundings situation, also to make a comparative study of another region remains. A letter stone in Chunjunry and Sesungakhwa should be construed with wider dimension. The mutual relation of Myungmun(an excellent composition) engraved on a letter stone in Chunjunry and Sesungakhwa and its meaning is required to investigate. A letter stone in Chunjunry is the remains which need to pay attention especially because they have various history cultural materials such as Amgakhwa, Myungmun, Sesungakhwa. Their mutual relation is not clear in a measure, but their value and meaning are very deep and diverse by far. Therefore, it's required to study about a maker, a period, a method, an aim, a use etc, with a synthetic, expert and systematical way.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. 연구현황
  1. 암각화
  2. 세선각화와 명문
 Ⅲ. 과제와 전망


  • 전호태 Jeon, Ho-Tae. 울산대학교 역사문화학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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