


『조정래』한강에 나타난 기억의 의미변주와 공간의 상관성 연구


A Study about Correlation of Space & Meaning Transition of Memory about Jo Jeong Rae’s Han River


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The article start from curiosity that I want to know changed space’s meaning from National Violence through Jo Jeong Rae’s Han River. I’m using a concept ‘the heterotopia of narrative space’ for define about the space’s remember and re-construct, changed space, Identity of space on text. Parallel and divisive space is a dynamic life form that generate new meaning and control human by human’s social movements. Seoul become democratic space for justice on 19.April.1960. but characters’ space become different space like experience fear, shyness, mortified oneself, cowardice. Character’s remember become carving remember by suppress, beating, torture on their body. Past pain reappear present experience in blind panopticon that is created remember Panopticon automate power, de-individuation and leave person under the field of visibility, characters recognize relation of power by oneself and come in boundary. They think that they were being watched or not, they were locked the obedience principle by discipline mechanism. but they try to overcome boundary with care for the self’s eyes in the points of support about authority. They insist that the resistance about national violence is justified sovereignty action and recognize new meaning of spaces as ethical identity. They make identity space through remember’s restructure, build life’s field in ‘the heterotopia of narrative space’ Character break fantastic image of space and make identity space in seoul. They let loose of the past as reconstruct their remembers and go to the new world and make identity space. Ilmin and Ilphyo brothers can’t take their positions as the involvement guilty system but they can take their position as use power of a capitalistic. Han Ingon who is a member of the national assembly, he want to go to right path but feel limits and recognize that the first how is settle about pro-japanese, he publish a pro-japanese biographical dictionary. Lee GyuBack who is a survivor on 19.April.1960. was ashamed and feel about shyness, helplessness, sense of shame in front of national authority as a public prosecutor and become a people lawyer. Characters make a rescue theirselves in violence space through care for the self’s eyes. These eyes start resistant about political authority. The violence space become de-obedience space, that is a open and real identity space. Character re-construct the past painful remember through new experience and take a position on open space. It is a active movement and has a identity space .


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
 Ⅱ. 국가폭력과 공간의 기억
 Ⅲ. 각인된 신체의 기억과 공간의 의미변화
 Ⅳ. 기억의 재구성과 주체적 공간의 확보
 Ⅴ. 나가는 말


  • 전영의 Chon Young Eui. 전남대학교 인문대학 국어국문학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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