


서양문학 전통 속의 여성상과 여성작가의 저자 의식-메리 셸리의『프랑켄슈타인』과 잉에보르크 바흐만의『말리나』를 중심으로


Image of women and the author's consciousness of female writers in the Western literary tradition - focused on Mary Shelley's “Frankenstein” and Ingeborg Bachmann’s “Malina”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



What appears to look incidental woman figures who has become the typical type and the others formed by male-centric perspective in the story of man from ancient Greece to modern literature in the tradition of literary history? And how can the female writer write her own story in writing against the patriarchal creator’s view which is the creator of text? Does female's writing indeed contain the possibility of writing to notice the transformation of the social and cultural structures? In this paper, we reflect on these issues through Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus" in the early 19th century and "Malina" by Ingeborg Bachmann, an Austrian writer in the mid-20th century. Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus" tells the story of the monster that was created by Dr. Frankenstein exploring the principles of life passed through three descriptors which are Frankenstein, the monster and Captain Walton conveying their stories to his sister. All three descriptors are males, and the anonymous writer published a novel. Each of these three descriptor with fundamental questions in mind has wandered the frontier zone of the ground and talks about off the existence of the creature in God which created Adam. In this regard, this novel is a story about a woman in a patriarchal world that has been ruled out as a heterogeneous presence and is confronted with the structured text alienation and anxiety as a female writer in the tradition of Western literature that has given the patriarchal authority to the writer as a creator of the text at the same time. The problem of female writer’s consciousness in the tradition of Western literature is treated as a main idea, a contemporary female writer of the mid-20th century, in Ingeborg Bachmann’s “Malina”. The author plans Malina as a person carrying the stories about the death of women and a female descriptor describes the process of handing over her stories to him in this novel. However, by the progresses of the novel, it becomes a process which is Malina the female descriptor 'I' is taking the male narrative perspective by coming out the rational and masculine female descriptor's other self. This work is the process itself of literature which is a female writer, as an author, makes her story a literary work, Being split into female descriptor and his male alter ego of the artist's narrative perspective can be understood as a division of losing their identity as women in a patriarchal and male-dominated patriarchal society and writer’s consciousness in western literary patriarchal tradition. In the final chapter, the female descriptor hands over her scattered memories, nightmare and writings to Malina, the reasonable superior masculine alter ego, and she defines this process as a violence and murder and disappeared. This novel criticizes and deconstructs western patriarchal society, patriarch of the western literary tradition and rationalism in the content and configuration.


I. 들어가는 말: 서양문학 속의 여성
 II. 메리 셸리의 『프랑켄슈타인 또는 현대의 프로메테우스』와 여성작가의 저자 의식
 III. 잉에보르크 바흐만의 말리나와 남성적 글쓰기 방식의 해체
 IV. 맺는 말


  • 유현주 Yoo, Hyun-Joo. 협성대학교 교양교직학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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