


이상의 시 <공복->에서의 ‘좌ㆍ우’의 해석


Interpretation of ‘The Left and the Right’ in Lee Sang's Poem <Hunger->


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Lee Sang released 28 poems written in Japanese in ‘Chosun and Architecture’ from 1931 to 1932. The series poems consist of six poems under the title of , eight poems under the title of , seven poems under the title of and seven poems under the title of . The difficulty experienced while working in the Japanese Government-General of Korea contributed to the series or line of the poems. The poem expressed a yearning for Madame Charlotte Perriand, a French interior designer under the Japanese ruling. He described the situation surrounding him as 'Circle' and the effort to overcome the obstacle(circle) as 'straight line'. In , he made a conclusion that “스틱크!(Lee Sang)” is “a snowscape which ▽ was finally exhumed and buried in.” It is interpreted as a pronouncement that Lee Sang can not go to France, considering the expression “he will forget the French woman symbolized as ‘▽’ by covering her with snow”. In , Lee Sang is looking for a woman of his dream, regretting her disappearance. He confesses that he is waiting for her telegram the vanished woman (▽) has yet to send. The “bent line” is a symbolic expression that he gave up going abroad(symbolized as ‘straight line’) because the line couldn't penetrate ‘circle’(obstacle), so it is bent and confined in ‘circle’ In the word ‘CROSS’ representing a cross can be read as evidence of torture. Arrested and tortured by the Japanese police due to ‘Incident X’ which occurred accidently, Lee Sang stricken with shock seemed to change the novel’s title to in haste. He altered the novel’s plot so it now read “fleeing and returning home” and released poems written in Japanese to disguise his story and meaning. Lee Sang expressed his distorted fate under the Japanese colonial era as a “cripple”. The novel symbolizes two facts that he as a cripple was being falsely charged as an arsonist and expelled by the church he believed in. This paper is intended to reinterpret Lee Sang’s insufficiently interpreted poem . The poem is reinterpreted based on his daily and real life conditions at that time in 1931. It is believed that symbolizes ‘spiritual hunger and thirst' and hope and thirst for getting out of conflict and fight between two opponent parties. Lee Sang was expelled from the Japanese Government-General of Korea because he turned his back to Pro-Japanese Korean camp by denying a request of the Japanese Government-General of Korea. Lee Sang supported the independence movement group in Korea and the communist group upon their request. However, he was eventually broken away from those groups because he was falsely prejudged as having cooperated with Japanese police in the process of their mass arrest. Therefore, he was eager to escape from his position between the right and the left as well as the distress caused by being ostracized by the both groups. The agony was likely to result from the conflict between two rival parties, one is the nationalist camp and the left wing insisting on Korea's independence and the other is Pro-Japanese Korean camp and the right wing. The poem can be interpreted as a fervent hope for getting out of the agony.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. <브와뜨‧브와뜨즈>의 계열시 <공복->
 Ⅲ. ‘좌·우’와 ‘○○주의자’ 그리고 <공복->
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 성인수 Seong In Soo. 울산대학교 디자인ㆍ건축융합대학 건축학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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