

뒤섞기 현상과 국면의 가장자리자질


Scrambling and Edge-Feature in Phase.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



So, Mi Hyoung. “Scrambling and Edge-Feature in Phase.” Studies in English Language & Literature 41.2 (2015). 181-208. The word order of Korean and Japanese, known as the head-final languages, can be changed unlike that of English. However, the driving force of optional scrambling is not clear. This paper has two goals. One is to identify the evidence for the connection of Korean scrambling and edge-feature in phase theory. The other is to use this evidence to investigate the extensional scrambling phenomena to other languages. The driving force of Korean scrambling is [+specificity] of D-effects by unmarked internal merge. In Korean scrambling, any constituents with case marker can be allowed to move within a sentence because the case marker has [+Strong Distinctive, +SD] and can be checked properly at the phase edge position by [+Presuppositionality Feature, +PF] at interface. After scrambling derivation, [+SD] makes semantic effects visible according to Chomsky(2008) and Yang(2012). The reason for grammatical mistakes in scrambled sentences and the scrambling phenomena of other languages can be reasonably explained by this analysis. (Chonbuk National University)


 I. 서론
 II. 뒤섞기 현상의 특징과 기제들
  2.1. 뒤섞기 현상의 특징
  2.2 뒤섞기 현상의 기제들
 III. 국면의 가장자리자질과 D-effects
  3.1 접합점 조건과 병합
  3.2 국면과 가장자리 자질
 IV. 결론


  • 소미형 So, Mi Hyoung.. 전북대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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