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Vascular Plants of Hyangro-bong in Gangwon-do, Korea




Hyangro-bong is located on the northern side of the civilian access control line and therefore has gone through natural ecological succession without human interference. Currently, it forms a distinctive natural ecosystem in which rare wild animals and plants are various. It is located in the Baekdudaegan mountain system and plays an ecologically important role as a bridge that connects the Geumgang mountain and Seorak mountain. This study investigated the flora of the eastern parts, Forest Genetic Resources Reserve Area, of Hyangro-bong. A total of 363 vascular plants that belonged to 77 families, 206 genera, 310 species, 3 subspecies, and 47 varieties were found in the study area. Rare and endangered plants identified in this study included the critically endangered Swertia wilfordii and endangered Irisuniflora var. caricina. Furthermore, 4 vulnerable species, Hanabusaya asiatica, Codonopsis pilosula, Leontopodium japonicum, and Taxus cuspidata, were found. A total of 7 families and 14 taxa including Aconitum pseudolaeve and Clematis fusca var. coreana were confirmed as endemic plants. Naturalized plants belonging to 4 families, 11 genera, and 13 species were distributed along the Hyangro-bong forest roads.


 Materials and Methods
  Study areas
  Flora investigation
 Results and Discussion
  Endemic plant lists and their distributions
  Naturalized plants and their distributions


  • Mi Jeong Kwon Green Tree Hospital, Goisan 367-883, Republic of Korea
  • Gab-Soo Han Department of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung 210-702, Republic of Korea


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