

岩刻畵 硏究를 爲한 考古學的 接近方法


Approach to Archaeological method in study of Petroglyphs

암각화 연구를 위한 고고학적 접근방법


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Thirty years have passed since we found the petroglyphs in Korea. Since we dealt with them for the first time, a lot of researches have been piled up despite short period. Until now, many investigations into them including the chronological recording, manufacturing skills, the analysis of contents have been progressed from the archeological, theological, geological, historical, folk point of view.
However, I think these researches are generally biased by phenomenology because they were, for the most part, individual investigation and study. In other words, most investigation of them seems to be only focused on the rock where pictures were carved.
The important things that we must consider are a work of art when we tried to understand the spirit culture of prehistoric age's people. It's definitely true that the rock art is the most valuable thing in the place of prehistoric relics because we can examine spirit culture such as ceremony, aesthetic consciousness at that time.
However, it seems that these researches mainly focused on the picture carved in the rock itself prevented us from examining them in various ways.
In addition, even though the places of carved in the rock are very important relics, survey pictures and exact drawings of them which are fundamental materials for investigation are not set up. So many researchers must have their moments of quiet introspection about this.
I'd like to emphasize the way of archeological investigation for development of the rock art in my thesis. I bet better results of them will come out if the researcher must consider not only aesthetic but also archeological examination. For the first stage of this, the rock art institute whose members will be participated in the investigation must be founded.
After that if they utilize the results of analyses through the institute's investigation, we will see more deepen researches into the rock art.


I. 머리말
 II. 고고학적 조사와 암각화 유적지와의 관련성
 III. 암각화 연구를 위한 고고학적 조사의 필요성
 IV. 맺음말


  • 박정근 Park, Geung-Gunn. 중앙대학교 사학과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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