

전문대학 응급구조과의 4년제 개편 타당성 조사 연구


Validity of redeveloping the paramedic education system from 3-years to 4-years

이정은, 김순심, 박희진, 엄동춘, 현진숙, 홍성기

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose: The study was to investigate the feasibility about reorganized the paramedic college into a four-year education system. Methods: Through literature review and analysis, a self-reported questionnaire was created and filled out by the professors of paramedic and analyzed. Results: An analysis of the curriculum indicated that, as paramedic schools involve practice-oriented education, reorganization of the college system is necessary to raise the quality of the actual training. The survey results found that most participants agreed with the need to reorganize the school system. Conclusion: Paramedics have a responsibility regarding the life of the nation. In order to be satisfied with its status as a national job that focuses on humanity and justice, increasing the years needed before graduation is necessary.


 Ⅰ. 서론
  1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
 Ⅱ. 연구방법
  1. 연구설계
  2. 연구대상 및 연구도구
  3. 자료분석 방법
 Ⅲ. 연구결과
  1. 응급구조과 현황
  2. 응급구조과의 교과과정 비교
  3. 설문분석
 Ⅳ. 고찰
 Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언


  • 이정은 Jung-Eun Lee. 동남보건대학교 응급구조과
  • 김순심 Soon-Sim Kim. 선린대학교 응급구조과
  • 박희진 Hee-Jin Park. 서영대학교 응급구조과
  • 엄동춘 Dong-Choon Uhm. 대전대학교 응급구조학과
  • 현진숙 Jin-Sook Hyun. 선린대학교 응급구조과
  • 홍성기 Sung-Gi Hong. 동남보건대학교 응급구조과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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