The purpose of this study was to analyze effectiveness of golf skills(driving distance, rating of fairway, green in regulation, putting average, recovery ratio, birdie average) to average score using records of KPGA players. Independent variables were driving distance, rating of fairway, green in regulation, putting average, recovery ratio, and mediation variables was birdie average, and dependent variable was the scoring average in this study. To analyze these variables, path analysis was used through Amos Graphics 20.0 program and significance level was set up .05. As the result, driving distance, green in regulation, putting average, recovery ratio gave the significant influences to birdie average. and birdie average gave the significant influence to average score. Also, driving distance, green in regulation, putting average, recovery ratio, rating of fairway gave the significant influences to average score.
Ⅱ. 연구방법
1. 연구변수
2. 분석방법
Ⅲ. 결과
1. 초기모형
2. 수정모형
3. 최종모형 및 계수비교검증
Ⅳ. 논의
Ⅴ. 결론