


확률 마찰 특성을 갖는 공압 실린더 작동기의 비선형 제어


Nonlinear Control of Pneumatic Cylinder Actuators with Random Friction Nature

신찬배, 조현철

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Pneumatic cylinder actuators are significantly utilized for industry automatic systems in the fields of mechanical applications. We propose a novel control method for pneumatic cylinder actuator systems including stochastic friction dynamics. The proposed control mechanism is linearly composed of nominal control and auxiliary control variables. The former is designed from linear system model without friction terms by using a previous linear system theory and the latter is constructed as a function of friction estimation which is carried out by a well-known least square algorithm for reducing the control error due to random friction dynamics. We accomplish numerical simulation to demonstrate reliability of the proposed control method and conduct a comparative study to improve its superiority.


 1. 서론
 2. 공압실린더의 비선형시스템
 3. 공압 제어시스템 설계
 4. 마찰 함수 추정
 5. 보조 제어기 설계
 6. 시뮬레이션
 7. 결론


  • 신찬배 Chan Bai Shin. Member, Department of mechanical engineering, Ulsan College
  • 조현철 Hyun Cheol Cho. Department of electrical engineering, Ulsan College


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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