

기획논문 - 국문학 연구의 쟁점과 과제(III)·5

가사의 향유방식에 대한 연구의 쟁점


Issues in the study on forms of the possession of Gasa in the late chosun


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to summarize issues in the study on a possession of Gasa, and to examine some parts to be insufficient. Specifically this paper aims to highlight the existence of GachangGasa that is a group of Gasa in the late chosun. Generally there are three forms in the possession of Gm, gachang, umyoung, wandok. Gachang is a form of singing to an accompaniment of instruments, umyoung is a form of recitement to a simple melody, wandok is a form of reading based on the metrical rhythm without the melody. According to the preceding study, there are some opinions of change in the form of a possession of Gasa. The first opinion is thet the character of gachang is losing in the late Chosun. And the second opinion is that oral character in Gasa is rather intensified in the late Chosun. The third opinion is that affirming two opinions transcription of Gasa should be taken a serious view, and the fourth opinion is that the presentation of Gasa is naturaaly umyoung but it can be changed to gachang or Iwndok. This final opinion is most appropriate however it should be examined again the side of SibiGasa is only included in the area of GachangGasa. The present study attempts to investigate the changes in characteristics of the Gasa genre in the late chosun. It has been indicated that, with a reciprocal influence with the Yoehang · Sijeong cultural area, the characteristic of the Gasa genre began to alter from the period before and after 18th century. One direction among changes notified in the present study is that Gasa underwent a change getting close to a Jabga style since it was being sung in the Yoehang · Sijeong cultural area. So another group of Gasa, for example "Wonbusa", should be also included in the area of GachangGasa. And in the future the existence of this group of Gasa should be more examined.


1. 머리말
 2. 조선전기 가사의 향유방식에 대한 쟁점
  2.1 가창 방식을 위주로 한 향유
  2.2 가창을 포함한 複數實演(복수실연)의 실상 제시
  2.3 음영으로서의 본질과 향유방식의 전환 가능성 제시
 3. 가사의 향유방식 변화에 대한 쟁점
  3.1 가창 장르의 성격 쇠퇴 및 음악성의 상실
  3.2 가사의 구비적 성격 강화
  3.3 구술성과 기록성이 공존한 필사문화적 성격 중시
  3.4 가창, 음영, 완독의 세 향유방식으로의 경사
 4. 조선후기 가창가사의 존재양상 재검토
 5. 맺음말


  • 정인숙 Jeong, In-sook. 전남대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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