

Belief Revision in Baduk : A Preliminary Discussion


바둑에서의 믿음의 수정 : 예비적 논의

Woosuk Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In ths paper I shall suggest that a study of belief revision in Baduk could be an unexpectedly fertile ground of research for logicians, philosophers, conlputer scientists, and ganle theorists as well as for Baduk players. The study of belief revision turns out to be one of the most distinguished success stories in the recent history of logic. Starting from the legendary AGM postulates published in 1925, it has expanded its scope far beyond epistemic logic and philosophy of science up to computer science, artificial intelligence researches, and economics. Nevertheless, there are many serious open problems, which are largely philosophcal in character, in current theories of belief revision. By examining some typical situations of belief revision in Baduk, I propose to shed light on one of those philosophical problems, i.e., the principle of informational economy in AGM theory.


I. Introduction
 II. Basic Types of Belief Chang in AGM Theory
 III. Elementary examples of Belief Revision in Baduk
 IV. For and Against the Principle of Informational Economy
 V. Conclusion
 I. 서론
 II. AGM 이론에서 믿음 변화의 기본 유형들
 III. 바둑에서의 믿음 수정의 초보적 사례들
 IV. 정보 경제성에 대한 찬반양론
 V. 결론


  • Woosuk Park 박우석. KAIST, 인문사회과학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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