

Dynamics of Information and Globalization : Post-national Sovereignty in Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash


Ho Rim Song

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As nation-states’ sovereignty has been dwindled ever by globalization, we would witness, or are already witnessing, new types of sovereignty. Through his cyber fiction novel Snow Crash, dramatically presenting post-nationalism of our technoscience age, Neal Stephenson claims the significance of the free flow of information, which he believes restrains the emergence of totalitarian power. The novel portrays that human consciousness can be transformed into digital information and the new power elite attempts to converge digitalized human consciousness into one system, making the world a homogeneous body. Stephenson sets this project as the dark face of globalization—that is, regimenting and totalizing the world. By having the freelance hacker Hiro fight against this project, Stephenson argues that the free flow of information should be the essential condition of globalization in order not to lose cultural and political polyvalence. Indeed, Stephenson does not oppose to globalization per se, but rather he warns against the authoritarian appropriation of global interconnectivity by globalization. Ultimately, through Snow Crash, Stephenson develops cartographies of power structure in the era of globalization.


I. Introduction
 II. Digitalized Human Consciousness and Post-nationalism
 III. Commercialized Nations and New Citizenship
 IV. Global Networks and Totalitarian Global Governance
 V. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Ho Rim Song Pukyong National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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