

The World on the Decline : A Teilhardian Reading of “A View of the Woods”


Insoon Choi

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper attempts a Teilhardian reading of “A View of the Woods.” Finding Teilhard’s evolutionary ideas to be “stimulating to her imagination,” O’Connor adopted them for the stories collected in Everything that Rises Must Converge. At the heart of Teilhard’s vision there is an evolving world engaged in a constantly rising movement toward the Omega point of a universal convergence. The two key metaphors informing Teilhard’s vision of the evolving world are “rising” and “converging,” which O’Connor twists ironically for this story: “rising” is twisted into declining and “converging” into collision. For a man of “egoism” who refuses to rise and converge with the others in accordance with the universal attraction toward the divine center, the world devolves; it goes on the decline. Such is the tragic case with Mark Fortune, the hubristic protagonist of “A View of the Woods.”


I. The Teilhardian Vision of the Evolving World
 II. “A View of the Woods”: The World on the Decline
 Works Cited


  • Insoon Choi Seokyeong University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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