Although it provoked the readers, deploring the slavery and the Fugitive Slave Law and setting an African American slave as a heroic protagonist, Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin was an extraordinary success. What is the main cause of the success? As one of the causes, many critics have indicated the author’s appeal to the readers’ emotion with the vivid description of slave mothers’ deadly suffering from losing their children, for which some critics have harshly criticized Stowe’s writing style as sentimental, exaggerating and simplifying. Focusing on two young characters, an angelic white girl, Evangeline St. Clare, and an African American slave girl, Topsy, and interpreting them as binary “kaleidoscope” Stoew intends to smash, this paper will bring forth a secret key to the success of Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
II. 이바와 톱시 : 이분법적 만화경
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IV. 톱시가 제공하는 해방감