


New Typology of National Crisis under the Concept of Comprehensive Security




While almost all the countries has been interested in the crisis and emergency management for their people and state, less attention has been paid to the role of academic and conceptual contribution in the field of the national security. Based on the newly-made concept of comprehensive security, the purpose of this study is to suggest the new typology of national crisis according to comprehensive security concept in the changing environment of national security. And, by investigating environmental change concerning the national security, this research investigates the evolution of national security and draws the new classification of national crisis from the definition and components of nation in modern society. The emergence of comprehensive security concept and the new typology of national crisis can give lots of significant theoretical and practical implications for our safety. This study suggests 4 categories of national crisis, such as conventional military crisis, disaster crisis, critical infrastructure crisis, living safety crisis.


 Evolution of the Security Concept
 Various Concepts of Security
 Emergence of Comprehensive Security
 Classification of National Crisis


  • Jae Eun Lee Chungbuk National University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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