

A Study of the Citizen Evaluation of Administration Service Satisfaction - Focus on Public Agencies of Suwon City


Won Boo Shin, Won Hee Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study investigates citizens' satisfaction with public services of affiliated agencies of Suwon, which daily interact with residents. Suwon has taken surveys of citizens' satisfaction with public services provided its affiliated agencies every year and tries to increase citizens' satisfaction by announcing survey results. By discovering factors which encourage or discourage satisfaction of citizens, a survey of citizens' satisfaction is used when governments make improvements and efficiently implement customer-oriented strategies. Also, by examining environmental changes around a government or a public agency, the survey can suggest implications on how to reform internal management system and increase their competency of a government or a public agency. To sum up, the implementation of the survey is able to benefit customers or residents more than before and result in improvement of internal management system. So, this study provides political implications on how to increase citizens' satisfaction of local governments.


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. Theoretical Consideration
  1. The Concepts of Public Service and Customers' Satisfaction
  2. Survey of Citizen Satisfaction with Public Services
  3. Literature Review
 Ⅲ. Analytical Model and Data Collection
  1. Analytical Model
  2. Data Collection and Analysis Method
 Ⅳ. Analysis and Discussion
  1. Overview
  2. Results of Customers' Satisfaction
 V. Summary and Policy Suggestions
  1. Summary
  2. Policy Proposal


  • Won Boo Shin 신원부. The Korean Institute of Safety & Security
  • Won Hee Lee 이원희. Department of Youth Leader in Myongji University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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