

서울성수공단의 형성과 변용에 관한 고찰 - 수제화, 자동차정비산업을 중심으로 -


Conside ration on Formation and Transformation of the Seongsoo Industrial Complex in Seoul - Focusing on Handmade Shoes and Auto Maintenance & Repair -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The present study considers the formation of the Seongsoo Semi-industrial District developed by the post-war land readjustment project and traces the process of its transfor-mation in light of handmade shoes and auto maintenance and repair industries in order to establish the roles assumed by the Seongsoo Industrial Complex in Seoul. Due to the Cheonggyecheon development during the postwar years, companies were forced to settle in Seongsoo-dong, where labour-intensive sewing, textile, leather and ma-chinery industries emerged subsequently. In 1972, the national City Beautiful Movement coerced small businesses into moving out of the city center, reproaching them for impeding the modernization and development of sound urban environment. The movement was intended to secure commercial and business functions in the inner city center, while at the same time attributing Seoul’s old structural and inherent problems to small companies. On account of the exorbitant land price, restricted land use and controlled factory construc-tion in the city center within the boundaries of 4 Gates, small companies had no choice but to move to the outskirts of the city. For half a century, the small businesses in the Seongsoo Industrial Complex in Seoul have been kept out coercively in the name of urban renewal projects by central and local governments. Seoul Metropolitan Government plans to build a dynamic corporate ecosys-tem by developing handmade shoes, printing and auto maintenance and repair trades into a convergence model embracing conventional industries and state-of-the-art IT, by setting up an organic business support system and by vitalizing networks.The three trades are highly likely to work for the benefit of Seongsoo-dong’s urban identity. Yet, other small-scale trades of machinery, metals, manufacturing, wholesale/retail and services are most likely to be excluded from the plan. As a matter of fact, the current policy to support the aforementioned three trades only draws substantial criticism. Thus, it is necessary to create an industrial ecosystem in consideration of the place-ness and historicity of the Seongsoo Industrial Complex in Seoul.


Ⅰ. 들어가면서
 Ⅱ. 서울성수공단 형성의 역사적 고찰
 Ⅲ. 양화 골목에서 ‘메이드 인 성수동’으로
  1. 서울제화산업의 변천
  2. ‘메이드 인 성수동’의 형성과 입지요인
 Ⅳ. 서울 자동차산업벨트
  1. 서울 자동차정비산업의 역사
  2. 성수동 자동차 서비스 타운 형성
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 김희식 Kim, Hie-Sik. 서울시립대 도시사회학과 박사과정 수료


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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