

한국 여행사의 지속가능한 경영전략을 위한 조직론적 고찰


An Exploratory Study on the Organization of a Korean Travel Agency for Sustainable Management Strategy


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A corporation is affected by different social variables both within and outside the organization in the management process, and especially the business environment has a direct impact on the organization. For corporate management, the theory of population ecology emphasizes that a corporation interacts with the environment, and the organization is changed by the environment. Recently, while the business external environment has been recognized as an important variable, the theory of resource dependence also explains the changes in organizational structures and management strategies. According to the theory, corporations not only are affected unilaterally by the external environment, but also respond and control the environment to build a variety of management strategies. Corporate Social Responsibility that becomes a typical ethical management strategy for sustainability. The finding results show that Corporate Social Responsibility is required as a new management strategy provided the situation that more smaller travel agencies are in Korea. It also can be a more active marketing strategy more aggressively to cope with a constantly changing external business environment. Such sustainable business strategy enables a travel agency to reflect consumer’s needs and have a symbiotic interdependent relationship with its environment. Tourism corporations are affected by the broad business environment and they try to create values of their organizations and products. Especially travel agencies continue to build more aggressive corporate strategies through using corporate social responsibility to create more profits.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 본론
  1. 기업환경의 변화와 새로운 경영전략의 필요성
  2. 지속가능한 경영전략의 조직론적 논의: 자원의존이론의 적용
  3. 지속가능한 경영전략의 실행과정과 가치
 Ⅲ. 결론


  • 민웅기 WoongKi Min. 목원대학교 교양교육원 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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