

기획 논문

<한국 설화 분류 방안>의 쟁점과 전망


The issues of <Korean folktale classification> and the outlook for its


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Thls study is to review the disputes presented in the devices for Korean folktale classification and to prepare its solution. Below is the order of process of discussion. First, I inspected the outcomes and limitations of each classification device of folktales, observing current classifying works of Korean folktales. I examined classification device especially in , which actually classifies and organizes folktales materials recorded in 韓國口碑文學大系 An Outline of Korean folklore> Although this classification device is recognized as the most excellent system for its logical and systematic work at present, it is criticized on its lack of practicality and numerous fallacies in folktale classification results. In order to solve this problem, I examined the classification device in <朝鮮朝文獻說話輯要 chosun-jo Munhun Sulhwajipyo>. This is the classification of written folktales not oral ones, of which advantage is that tales could be searched by subjects. At present, I am conducting special project at <韓國精神文化硏究院 The Academy of Korean Studies>, which is the work of dissolution and indexing of . This project includes the tasks of classifying folktales by subjects and of creating database with the indexes collected from each tale materials. The completion of this task in 2005 overcoming the limitations of will be a big help to utilize tale materials in


1. 한국 설화 분류 작업의 현황과 쟁점
  1.1 한국 설화 분류 작업의 현황
  1.2 『한국설화유형분류집』의 성과와 한계
 2. 난접 해결의 노력과 전망
  2.1 『조선조문헌설화집요』의 제재별 분류 방안
  2.2 『한국구비문학대계』 소재 설화의 해제ㆍ색인 작업
 별첨 : <한국구비문학대계> 해제 대상 설화 제재 유형 선별 결과


  • 李仁卿 이인경. 한국정신문화연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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