We present a method that enable to efficiently prove tactical theorems in the game of Go. We have experimented theorem proving with different tactical sub-games of the game of Go: the capture game, the connection game, the eye and the life and death games. Theorem proving works very well for tactical Go problem solving. The moves it finds are always correct and it finds the move faster than usual algorithms. In this paper we present our algorithms associated to concrete examples, and we outline the possible applications that might interest Go players: teaching programs for beginner's to learn to capture and connect stones, problem solving programs for intermediate players, and even some applications that might interest good players such as a perfect 5x5 Go problem solver and composer.
2. Theorem Proving
2.1 Unknown Status and Game Names
2.2 Game Definition Functions
2.3 Selection of the relevant moves using relevancy zones
2.4 Selection of the relevant moves using abstract knowledge
2.5 Examples Using Connections
3. Heuristically evaluating the difficulty of a connection
4. The Non-Transitivity of Connections
5. Search
5.1 Improvements related to Alpha-Beta
5.2 Abstract Proof Search
5.3 Iterative Widening
5.4 Lambda Search
5.5 Gradual Proof Search
5.6 Gradual Abstract Proof Search
6. Future Work
7. Conclusion