


외국 해양국립공원 보전시스템과 생태계서비스를 우리나라 해양국립공원 적용과 미래전략 과제 연구


An Application of Foreign Marine National Park’s Conservation System and Ecosystem Service and Future Strategic Agenda


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Marine national park maintains the functions of marine ecosystem acting its role as spawning place and stable home for sea life species. Lately, importance of the sea is receiving more emphasis because of climate change, coastal inundation, sea contamination and human artificial disturbances including excessive seizure and collection of marine life. This study analyzed the values and roles of marine ecosystem, present condition of major countries’ marine national parks, and international movements about marine reserves. This study also analyzed marine national park conservation system (special use district, behavioral restriction, strategic target, monitoring program, etc.) and ecosystem service (oceanic function, ecotourism, regional cooperation, education, residents’ income, Germany and Korea’s perspective of the sea, etc.) in Australia, Germany, Brazil, etc. as a model case. Then, it presented spheres applicable to our country’s marine national park (special use district, strategic agenda, acceptable behavior, ecotourism, regional cooperation, visitor center’s function, connection of southwestern coast axis for marine ecology, etc.) and future strategic agendas to implement this.


  1. 연구목적
  2. 연구방법
 결과 및 고찰
  1. 해양생태계의 가치
  2. 외국 해양국립공원 현황
  3. 외국 해양국립공원 보전시스템
  4. 외국 해양국립공원 생태계서비스
  1. 국내적용
  2. 미래전략 과제


  • 최종관 Jong Kwan Choi. 다도해해상국립공원 서부사무소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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