

Amateurs' Scientific Contribution to the Future of Go



Amateurs have contributed a lot to Go as a Science. During the last decade their valuable activity has grown considerably because of the Internet. So time is ripe for a cross-section of their work. Many detailed studies can be found in various publications. Therefore this overview is broad rather than deep. It offers a wide range of new
approaches and methods suitable for scientific study of Go. The discussed topics include Go rules mathematics, game trees, calculation size in computer Go, and functional languages.
For the modern study field Go rules mathematics it is shown that Go can be well-defined as a finite game, how complex Go is, that a particular rule can nicely simplify study, and how a general result about cycles looks like. It is well known that game trees are used to represent reading in computer Go. However, they are flexible and also allow methodical analyses of endgame values, eyespace values, status types, or plays in pass fights. Computer Go suffers from exploding calculation sizes. Restrictions are possible in case of the examples ladders, capturing after a local series of threats, equal approach moves, or eye shapes. Finally, using joseki as an example functional languages formalize strategy by describing the meanings and intentions of single plays, sequences of plays, groups, joseki as a whole, and choices within joseki in contrast to playing elsewhere.


1. About the Contribution of Go Rules Mathematics
 2. Applications of Game Trees
 3. Restriction of Calculation Size in Computer Go
 4. Functional Languages as a New Approach to Go Theory Exemplified for Joseki
 5. References


  • Robert Jasiek Business game designer, Germany


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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