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동결견 환자의 상지 기능 회복에 대한 ICF Tool을 적용한 중재 전략과 문서 기록-사례연구


ICF Tool applied Intervention Strategy and Charting on Upper Extremity Functional Recovery of the Frozen Shoulder Patient ‐ Case Study

공선웅, 임현철, 정연우

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background: This study was to suggest the process of making strategy for effective intervention and evaluation on functional problems of the frozen shoulder patient applied International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) Tools. Methods: The patient was 48years old woman with right shoulder adhesive capsulitis and calcific tendinitis. In first phase, therapists could list the information relating to functional problems used by the ICF Core set and then could confirm the interaction among the problems using the ICF assessment sheet. In second phase, therapist is needed to make the hypothesis and hypothesis testing and then set a primary functional goals and therapeutic goals in detail after prioritizing the problems to be managed based on the problem list. Lastly, after setting the confirmed problems as the purpose of intervention through the hypothesis testing, therapist could do some intervention after making a plan to solve these problems. Results: This report illustrates how to apply the process based on ICF concept into physical therapy practice. The decided hypothesis and goal that are to solve the problems the client faced were remarkably meaningful. Conclusions: Clinical decision making for the most effective intervention requires that therapists use the clinical reasoning process based on ICF concept.


 I. 서론
 II. 검진
  1. 대상자의 병력
  2. 계통학적 관찰
  3. 측정방법
 III. 평가
  1. ICF Framework
  2. ICF 각 항목간의 상호작용
  3. 의사결정 과정
 IV. 진단
 V. 예후
  1. 단기목표
  2. 장기 목표
 VI. 중재
  1. 통증 조절
  2. 관절가동범위 증진
  3. 견갑골의 안정성 증진
  4. 상지 근력 및 수행력 증진
 VII. 결과
  1. 어깨통증과 장애정도
  2. 상지 근력과 관절 가동범위
  3. 견갑골의 안정성
  4. 견갑골의 불안정성
  5. 상지의 근 수행력
 VIII. 고찰
 IX. 결론


  • 공선웅 Sun‐woong Kong. 광주씨티병원 물리치료실
  • 임현철 Hyoun‐chyoul Lim. 광주희망병원 물리치료실
  • 정연우 Yeon‐woo Jung. 광주여자대학교 물리치료학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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