


측백나무 추출물의 Tyrosinase 활성저해 및 Melanin 생성 저해


Tyrosinase Inhibitory Activity and Melanin Production Inhibitory Activity of Extract of Thuja orientalic

모정희, 오수정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was to investigate the extract of Thuja orientalic on tyrosinase activity and melanogenesis. As a result of measuring its tyrosinase inhibitory activity in vitro, it exhibited good inhibitory rates depending on concentration. Thuja orientalic extract is in a concentration of up to 50 ㎍/mL do not show toxicity was determined 50 ㎍/mL in an appropriate concentration. In addition we tested tyrosinase inhibition activity and melanin contents on SK-MEL-2 melanoma. SK-Mel-2 melanoma cell was treated by such sample as 5, 10, 20 and 50 μg/ml for 48 hr and tyrosinase inhibition was tested. Tyrosinase activity of dose dependant and about 55.9% at concentration of 50 ㎍/mL. Thuja orientalic extract reduced melanin contents of SK-MEL-2 melanoma cells in adose dependant manner and decreased to about 65% at acocentration of 50 ㎍/mL. Thuja orientalic extract was also found to control tyrosinase inhibition and melanin biosynthesis more successfully than α- MSH (100 nM). There results suggest that extract of Thuja orientalic may be suitable for development as a natural whitening cosmeceutical.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법
  1. 시료조제
  2. 세포주 및 세포배양
  3. In vitro tyrosinase 저해활성 측정
  4. MTT assay
  5. SK-MEL-2 세포의 Tyrosinase 저해활성 측정
  6. SK-MEL-2 세포의 Melanin 생합성 저해율 측정
  7. α-MSH 유도에 의한 Tyrosinase 저해활성도 및 Melanin 생성량에 미치는 영향 측정
  8. 통계분석
 Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
  1. In vitro tyrosinase 저해 활성
  2. 세포 생존율 분석
  3. SK-MEL-2 세포의 Tyrosinase 저해활성 및 Melanin 생합성 저해율 측정
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 모정희 Jeong-Hee Mo. 송원대학교 뷰티예술학과
  • 오수정 Su-Jeong Oh. 조선이공대학교 뷰티아트과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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