


근세 후기 倭館의 交奸事件과 데지마(出島)의 遊女들


Prostitution case(交奸事件) in late modern times Waegwan(倭館) and Prostitutes(遊女) of Dejima(出島)

근세 후기 왜관의 교간사건과 데지마(출도)의 유녀들


전북사학회 전북사학 제46호 2015.04 pp.285-312
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Korea and Japan in the late modern age is a state authority external to the country as the exclusive bargaining rights for foreign nationals or foreigners overseas voyage was the era of seclusion was not allowed to come into the country together. Waeguan(倭館) in Chosun, Dejima(出島) in Nagasaki, Chinese town(唐人屋敷) was exceptional location. Choryang Waegwan(草梁倭館) in Chosun such as interpreters, traders routinely Tsushima in contact with a number of events took place while. Often happens in the case is theft, robbery, assault(打擲), smuggling(潛商), unauthorized escape(闌出), friction was a problem with the smuggling funds(倭債). Prostitution(交奸) are Tsushima men to stay in Waegwan(倭館) and Chosun women refers to sexual contact, Chosun government was looking into prostitution severely punished as a criminal act. Prostitution was a political event intended to prevent a diplomatic dispute with room for improvement in Japan. Chosun women into prostitution problem eventually suffered a pole can be seen was a victim of in late modern times diplomacy. Dejima(出島), says the Dutch East India Company trading musoeul was in Nagasaki. When the Dutch were staying in Nagasaki could not be the rule, personal contact with the Japanese, was a special area at any time if they want to enjoy the nightlife was called the Youzyo(遊女). During the Edo period in Japan is the legalization of prostitution was socially acceptable to enjoy the nightlife in this brothel formed in each city. However, anyone who was not a place to enjoy unlimited Shogunate had legalized prostitution. In the case of Edo, Osaka, Kyoto, geographically isolated from the place called of Yuzyoya(遊女屋), yuzyo only could belong to yuzyoya sales. But there can be a business yuzyo Nagasaki went out at any time if there is a call from Dejima yuzyoya or Chinatown. And prostitution case in Waegwan, acts of yunyeo of Dejima is the phenomenon of prostitution in foreign partner is the same. But, the Chosun women caused a prostitution case was put to the polarized, who was Dejima in Nagasaki yuzyo access to professionals who can live luxuriously in exotic trinkets as angry as a professional who is certified by the shogunate. This difference is a matter of how they define the state power is prostitution, and, ultimately, can be seen as a result of the difference stems from the Chosun and shogunate to government ideology. Edo shogunate was used systematically by the commodification of the female. Moral right or wrong decision is left off, such a positive attitude is ultimately one to think that it is not presented as the difference between the national power in the next period.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. 초량왜관과 교간사건
 Ⅲ. 나가사키의 遊女들
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 김강일 Kangil-KIm. 강원대학교


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