


남인 經世書 『磻溪隨錄』의 傳認過程과 蕩平政局의 영향


The Propagation Process of <Bangyesurok>, Namin’s book about Administration and the Influence of ‘Tangpyoung’ Political Situation

남인 경세서 『반계수록』의 전인과정과 탕평정국의 영향


전북사학회 전북사학 제46호 2015.04 pp.151-175
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to narrate anecdotes about 『Bangyesurok(磻溪隨錄)』written by Yu Hyoung-won following historical context and to examine the publication process and meaning of it as, in spite of Namin(南人)’s book about administration, it was able to be published by receiving government’s support in the king Young-jo(英祖), the late Joseon Dynasty. It spread over the nation due to immediate family including his son, Yu Ha and the academic fellows like Bae Sang-yu. It greatly influenced Namin scholars who read it to conceive their own reformation ideology. As it is a book about administration to suggest a specific reform plan that can realize the confucian ideal politics, Noron also formed public opinion to recognize and accept its value at government policy even though they were hostile political power toward Namin. Finally it was published with government support. The publication, however, was not just to publicate it, but to become a part of the Tangpyoung politics that the king Young-jo had pushed ahead with. The proposal was developed that it be published for the reference of government administration while Tangpyoung political situation had been made up by the king Young-jo. The idea of Yu Hyoung-won could be shared and spreaded in Noron in an effort of Hong Gye- hee who belonged to Noron.


I. 머리말
 II. 『반계수록』의 전파과정에 대한 일화의 서사화
 III. 남인 경세서 『반계수록』의 간행과 탕평 정국
 IV. 노론 낙론 산림의 『반계수록』에 대한 관심과 이해
 V. 맺음말


  • 이선아 Lee, Sun Ah. 전북대학교 BK21플러스 지역문화콘테츠 융복합 전문인력양성사업단 계약교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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