


고려 말 왜구의 전북지역 침입 연구 - 全州를 중심으로 -


A study on Japanese raiders' invasions of the Jeonbuk region in the late Goyeo Dynasty period-Centering on Jeonju

고려 말 왜구의 전북지역 침입 연구 - 전주 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Jeonju was invaded or fallen by Japanese raiders(Wako) four times in the 2nd, 4th, 9th, and 14th year of King Woo. Jeonju suffered not only human life damage but also the fall of Jeonju Castle and burning of government offices. Jeonju was fallen by Japanese raiders for the first time in the 2nd year of King Woo. Apart from the disorder in Japan at that time, the reason why Japanese raiders invaded Jeonju at that time is considered highly likely to be a revenge for their defeat in Hongsan battle. However, after obtaining geographical information through the invasion in the 2nd year of King Woo, Japanese raiders included Jeonju in their range of invasion and this is regarded to be the reason why Jeonju was continuously invaded until the 14th year of King Woo. Whereas the invasions in the 2nd, 4th, and 14th year of King Woo were general forms of invasions in which all or part of Japanese raiders that invaded the west coast came through the plain area to fall Jeonju, the invasion in the 9th year of King Woo is different in that Japanese raiders that invaded the east coast tried to invade Jeonju after passing through the inland area. As for the invasion in the 9th year of King Woo, it is judged that the Japanese raiders could not but select entering into the inland area of Goryeo because they could neither live on the seas nor go to Japan because Goryeo built ships to directly hit Japanese raiders while making diplomatic efforts to have the Japanese government prevent Japanese raiders' invasions. Of course, a root cause of the relatively passive responses of Goryeo to Japanese raiders' invasions is Goryeo's fear of the movements of northern powers as can be seen from the cases of the Jeongryowui issue in the 2nd year of King Woo and the Yodong(Liaodong) conquest in the 14th year. At that time, two powers named North Yuan and Ming were sharply opposing against each other in the northern region and it could directly affect the security of Goryeo. Therefore, Goryeo could not but place the first priority of vigilance on the movements of northen powers rather than the problem of Japanese raiders.


1. 머리말
 2. 왜구의 禑王 2년 서해안 침입과 전주
 3. 우왕 4년 이후의 침입과 고려의 대응
 4. 맺음말


  • 허인욱 Heo, Inuk. 인하대학교 연구교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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