The relations between Goguryeo and the Hyeondo-gun(玄菟郡) are the one of the important issue of the proper Goguryeo History. This article is about the Chackguru(幘溝漊) which the Hyeondo-gun installed for control of Goguryo. It had existed before and after Jumong founded Goguryeo. Existing studies stressed on installation and abolition of it. Various views about it’s establishment time was presented from B.C. 75 to the Goguryeo’s sixth king, Taejo, so did abolition time. But it was established as Hyeondo-gun was moved in B.C. 75, and was abolished as King Yuri occupied Goguryeo-hyeon(高句麗縣) in Hyeondo-gun. It was established with the aim of controling Goguryeo people and of boundary trade.
2. 현도군의 변천과 책구루의 설치
3. 고구려의 발전과 책구루의 폐지
4. 결론