

A Grey Relational Analysis Model of Scientific Research Ability on Music Based on AHP and Its Realization



In the process of analyzing scientific research ability on music, many problems present, including that indicators are not comprehensive enough, the model has much subjectivity, the evaluation results are not reliable or the value of quantity of indicators has errors. Thus, this paper proposes a grey relational analysis model of scientific research ability on music based on AHP. It selects out dominant indicators and recessive indicators to evaluate software features and hardware features. A multi-layer evaluation index system for scientific research ability on music is established. AHP is introduced to compute the weight of indicators. After standardization of indicators, a multi-scheme grey relational coefficient model and a grey relational degree model are established according to grey theory to evaluate the level of scientific research ability on music. Proved effective by the case study, this model can realize the evaluation of scientific research ability on music on the computer.


 1. Introduction
 2. Multi-layered Evaluation Index System for Scientific Research Ability on Music
  2.1 Principles for Constructing the Evaluation Index System
  2.2 Indicators of Scientific Research Ability on Music for Hardware Ability
  2.3 Indicators of Scientific Research Ability on Music for Software Ability
 3. Grey Relational Analysis Model for Scientific Research Ability on Music based on AHP
  3.2 Grey relational coefficient
  3.3 Weight of Indicators based on AHP
  3.4 The Realization of Grey Relational Model for Scientific Research Ability on Music
 4. Case Study
 5. Conclusion


  • Guo Xiaoxi Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology
  • Ni Yan Science College of the PLA University of Technology
  • Wangjia Jincheng Colleges, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics


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