

Mathematical Description of Deformation of Micro Convex Body on Rough Surface



Friction and wear process is due to the interaction of the relative motion between friction pair surfaces. Problems of rough surface and contact mechanics are not just appeared in tribology, but they have close relationship with friction or tribology and they are the necessary problem to solve in understanding of friction and wear phenomena. In the paper, we make the assumption of deformation continuity and smoothness of the surface asperity and combined with related theory to establish a mathematical model for the calculation for surface contact. The model is verified with a specified example. The results have been calculated and compared with results of other models. The comparison results show that the calculation model established in this paper has small error when the load is small load but with big difference with test results when the load is higher. The model can be used in the research of influence factors of real contact area of sliding friction surface, but it should take actual factors into consideration.


 1. Introduction
 2. Deformation Manners in Sliding Friction Surface
  2.1 Critical Elastic Deformation of Micro Convex Body
  2.2 Critical Plastic Deformation of Micro Convex Body
 3. Real Contact Area of Sliding Friction Surface
  3.1 Distribution Function of Contact Area of Asperity
  3.2 The Relationship between the Contact Area and the Load
 4. Verification of the Method
 5. Conclusions


  • Youkun Zhong School of Physics and Mechanical &Electrical Engineering, Hechi University Yizhou, Guangxi, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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