


현대일본 문장어의 「女」 관련어휘 사용실태 - 「現代日本語書き言葉均衡コーパス」를 분석대상으로 -


A Study on the general language use of ONNA ― in Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese by KOKKEN ―


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The study analyzed the general language use of ‘ONNA’ in contemporary written Japanese by doing a comparative analysis of and from ‘Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese’ of the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics. were administrative reports and forms such as 「DANJO」「JOSEI」「JOSHI」 accounted for 97%. 「DANJO」was used as a standard of classification to present numerical values by items. 「JOSEI」 was used as a vocabulary related to employment and social activities. 「JOSHI」 showed a tendency to be replaced to 「JOSEI」. contained normative sentences and 「DANJO」「JOSEI」「JOSHI」 accounted for 52%. 「JOSHI」 accounted for 4%. The increase of the proportion of 「ONNA」(ONNA ONNA****ONNA)「KANOJO」「SHOJO」 was conspicuous. 「DANJO」 was used as a vocabulary related to gender equality. 「KANOJO」 and 「SHOJO」 were used as translated words and descriptions of spectators. 「ONNA」 was used to present the titles of literature and art. contained promotional sentences and had a high proportion of 「DANJO」 and 「ONNA」. 「DANJO」 was used for topics such as 「Gender-equal participation」 and 「Gender equality」. 「JOSHI」 was used for the name of schools and sports games. 「ONNA」 was used as a standard to present numerical values by gender. contained personal sentences and had various forms of vocabulary related to 「ONNA」 but 「DANJO」only accounted for 4%. The increase of the proportion of 「ONNA」 (ONNA ONNA** **ONNA) 「ONNANOKO」「KANOJO」 was conspicuous. 「KANOJO」 accounted for 17% and contents about was increased. The order of sisters also had high frequency.


현대일본 문장어에서의 「女」관련 어휘의 사용실태를 파악하고자 「現代日本 語書き言葉均衡コーパス」(日本國 立國語硏究所)의 <白書 1976-2005, 2001-2005 년><敎科書 2005-2007년><弘報紙 2008년> <블로그 2008년> 을 분석하였다. 행정적인 보고서 <白書>는 「男女」「女性」「女子」의 형태가 97%. 「男女」는 항목별 수치 제시를 위한 분류기준으 로 「女性」은 취업과 사회활동에 관련된 어휘로 「女子」는 「女性」으로 대체되는 경향을 보이고 있다. 규범적 문장 <敎科書>에서는 「男女」「女性」「女子」가 52%,「女子」는 4%. 「女」 「彼女」「少女」, 특히 「女」「女**」「** 女」의 점유율 증가가 두드러진다. 「男女」는男女共同․平等, 「彼女」「少女」는 번역어나 방관자적 기술로 「女」는 작품명으로제시된다.


「現代日本語書き言葉均衡コーパス」(日本國立國語硏究所)の<白書 1976-2005、2001- 2005><敎科書 2005-2007><広報紙 2008> <ブログ 2008>を対象に現代日本語書き言葉に おける「女」関連語彙の使用実態を分析した結果、次のような内容がまとめられた。 行政的文章の<白書>は「男女」「女性」「女子」の提示形態が97%。「男女」は項目別の数 字提示の分類基準、「女性」は就職および社会活動に関する語彙、「女子」は「女性」に交 替する傾向を見せている。 規範的文章の<敎科書>は「男女」「女性」「女」が58%、「女子」は4%。「女」(女 女** ** 女)「彼女」「少女」の増加が目立つ。「男女」は男女共同․平等、「彼女」「少女」は翻訳語や 傍観的記述、「女」は作品名で提示される回数が多い。 広報用文章の<広報紙>では 「男女」「女」の占有率が高い。「男女」は「男女共同参画」 「男女平等」、「女子」は学校名やスポーツ競技、「女」は性別基準の数値などに提示され ることが多い。 私的文章の <ブログ>における「女」関連語彙の提示形態は多様であるが、「男女」は 4%にすぎない。「女」(女 女** **女)「女の子」「彼女」の占有率が高い。「彼女」は17%で <女の友だち、恋人>の意味が増加し、長女・次女などの姉妹順の頻度も高い。


 Ⅰ. 들어가기
 Ⅱ. <白書>의 「女」 관련어휘
 Ⅲ. <敎科書>의 「女」 관련어휘
 Ⅳ. <弘報紙>의 「女」 관련어휘
 Ⅴ. <블로그>의 「女」 관련어휘
 Ⅵ. 맺음말


  • 吳美善 오미선. 경희대학교 외국어대학 일본어학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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