

결혼이민자와 이주노동자의 입국 사증 취득을 위한 한국어능력 평가 체계 연구


A Study on Korean Language Proficiency Testing Systems for Obtaining Visas of Marriage Immigrants and Migrant Labors.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With the rapid increase of number of foreign residents in Korea, the settlement of foreigners in Korea is a noticeable phenomenon. There are two major groups in the foreign residents who want to settle in Korea. One is marriage immigrants who want to reside in Korea as Korean citizens, and the other one is the migrant labors who are allowed to stay in Korea up to four years and ten months. And, there is one thing that we should focus on. It is that Korean government demand Korean language proficiency and the ability to understand Korean Society from the above two groups before they enter Korea. It is caused by the fundamental change of the Korean government immigration policy from the differential exclusionary policy to the social integration policy. In order to require Korean language proficiency and the ability to understand Korean society from the foreigners who want to reside in Korea, Korean government developed the assessment tools, which are Korean Language Evaluation for Getting Spouse Visa and EPS-TOPIK(Employment Permit System―Test of Proficiency in Korean). In addition to these two tools, TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean), a national assessment of Korean proficiency, takes a role to evaluate them. It seems that the compositive systems and evaluation elements of these assessment tools are appropriate to attain the policy objectives of Korean government. In this thesis, these three types of Korean Language Tests are reviewed and evaluated. (Sangmyung University)


 1. 들어가기
 2. 선행 연구
 3. 결혼이민자와 이주노동자의 입국 사증 취득을 위한한국어능력 평가 체계의 개요
  4.1 한국어능력시험Ⅰ(TOPIKⅠ)
  4.2 결혼이민비자 발급 심사를 위한 기본소양평가시험
  4.3 고용허가제 한국어능력시험(EPS-TOPIK)
 5. 결혼이민자와 이주노동자의 입국 사증 취득을 위한한국어능력 평가 체계 구축의 시사점과 향후 개선 방안
 6. 결론


  • 조항록 Cho, Hang-Rok.. 상명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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