

Segmentation Methods for Hand Written Character Recognition



Hand written Character Recognition is area of research since many years. Automation of existing manual system is need of most industries as well as government areas. Recognition of hand written characters is a demand for many fields. In this paper we have discussed our approach for hand written character segmentation. This paper discusses various methodologies to segment a text based image at various levels of segmentation. This paper serves as a guide for people working on the text based image segmentation area of Computer Vision. First, the need for segmentation is justified in the context of text based information retrieval. Then, the various factors affecting the segmentation process are discussed. Followed by the levels of text segmentation are explored. Also, the available techniques with their advantages and weaknesses are reviewed, along with directions for quick referral are suggested. At last, we have given our approach to text segmentation in brief.


 1. Introduction
 2. Levels of Text Segmentation
  2.1. Line Segmentation
  2.2. Word Segmentation
  2.3. Character Segmentation
 3. Segmentation Methodologies
  3.1. Pixel Counting Approach
  3.2. Histogram Approach
  3.3. Smearing Approach
  3.4. Stochastic Approach
  3.5. Water Flow Approach
  3.6. Mixed Approach
 4. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Namrata Dave G H Patel College of Engg. & Tech Gujarat Technological University Gujarat, INDIA


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